Insurance Program FAQ

Enrollment / Eligibility

The Insured must be engaged in UNH-related activities outside the United States.* These activities are defined as:

  • Activity supervised, led, arranged, or sponsored by an UNH department or faculty or staff member
  • Activity supervised, led, arranged, or sponsored by a University office, organization (band, athletic team, etc.) or by a University recognized student organization
  • Research sponsored or supported by a University research office unit or committee
  • Presentation at a conference about University programs, activities, or research
  • Work that falls within the scope of an employee’s official duties or association with the University
  • The Activity has defined Start/End dates
  • Activity must be recorded as a complete trip record on the UNH Travel Registry

The Insured must be a UNH student, faculty, scholar, staff or other persons officiating on the UNH-related activity with a current passport or student visa, who are temporarily residing outside their Home Country or regular residence.
The Insured does not need to be covered by a USNH Health Benefit Plan in order to be eligible for this international plan.
Outside the U.S. is defined as any location outside of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia.

Eligible UNH persons are automatically included under the UNH coverage once a complete trip record has been recorded on the UNH Travel Registry. If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact the UNH Global Education Center at 603-862-2398 or

All undergraduate students traveling abroad on University-related activities will be charged an International Travel Insurance Fee:

Less than 2 weeks: $35

2-10 weeks: $70

Semester: $150

Graduate students will be charged this fee for UNH coursework abroad or study abroad programs, but not for research activities.

If a student withdraws from a study abroad program, this fee will not be refunded once the student has departed from the United States.

You can download and print an International SOS membership card from the International SOS UNH membership page. You can also get a membership card from the UNH Global Education Center by calling 603-862-2398 or emailing The card includes the 24 hour International SOS Alarm Center phone number. You will not receive a separate insurance ID card. The insurance companies will confirm eligibility with the University of New Hampshire.

UNH recommends purchasing Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption For Any Reason Coverage. The coverage included in the UNH international plan is basic, limited, and determined only by Your Sickness, Accidental Injury, or death or that of a Family Member. Furthermore, airfare is the only eligible expense for which you could be reimbursed. For details go to the Schedule of Benefits.

You would NOT be covered if you choose to cancel or discontinue your trip due to personal concerns about getting sick amidst a health crisis or concerns about safety after a security incident. Furthermore, you would NOT be eligible to be reimbursed for any additional expenses such as lodging, tours, or program costs. For this you need coverage for Trip Cancellation Trip Interruption For Any Reason. Information on how to purchase this coverage is at the bottom of the Benefits page.

Yes. No Insured person may have a policy period longer than 12 consecutive months.

No. If you are traveling with a spouse or dependents, you are strongly encouraged to purchase coverage so that you and your family can access the same travel assistance services. This optional additional coverage can be purchased online, at a discount, from International SOS’s consumer products. View the International SOS UNH personal travel page for more information.

UNH travelers are covered only while traveling for UNH-related activities. Coverage is not extended to leisure or vacation travel that you may arrange to coincide with your UNH-related activity. You may purchase coverage for your extended personal travel online directly from International SOS's consumer products at a discount. View the International SOS UNH personal travel page for more information.

Insurance coverage includes up to 7 days of personal deviation coverage. Personal deviation is defined as travel prior to or after the school-sponsored trip. Any personal deviation travel in excess of the 7 days is not covered and requires you to purchase your own personal travel insurance should you wish to be covered.

No. UNH travelers are covered only for travel outside the country. Therefore, UNH recommends that all travelers maintain their domestic coverage to insure continuation of coverage and care before departure and upon your return to the U.S.

Emergency Travel Assistance Program

If you have an emergency please call collect the 24-hour International SOS Alarm Center:  1-215-942-8478.

The International SOS online portal for UNH travelers provides extensive travel, medical and security information for every country around the world. It also contains UNH emergency contacts and detailed membership benefits.

Please go to for more information. You will need to login to the International SOS Members’ website and enter your UNH International SOS membership number: 11BCAS000009.

If you have a pre-trip medical or security related question or emergency while overseas, please call collect to the 24-hour International SOS Alarm Center in Philadelphia: 1-215-942-8478.

The Alarm Center is staffed by doctors, logistics coordinators, and security experts. The International SOS alarm center can provide medical advice, assistance in your location, or arrange for an evacuation.

Medical Evacuation and Repatriation coordination; Political and Natural Disaster Evacuation coordination; Payment of overseas Medical Bills; Coordination of all benefits with the Plan Administrator; Full coordination with the International SOS credentialed medical provider network worldwide; Transportation and accommodation to join a hospitalized member.

No. Only services listed as benefits in the Cigna Medical Policy and Lloyd's Travel Policy are covered. If a UNH traveler requests services that are not insured, International SOS will require payment up front. Some examples include, but are not limited to, translations and interpreters and emergency cash advances.

University Health Plans
15 Pacella Park Drive
Randolph, MA 02368

University Health Plans
15 Pacella Park Drive
Randolph, MA 02368

Medical Insurance Plan Benefits

The plan covers medical expenses, including hospital room and board, inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures, emergency outpatient care, labs and x-rays, inpatient and outpatient mental health, physician office visits and prescription drugs. Payment will be made for covered medical expenses up to the maximum benefit of $500,000. See Cigna Medical Policy and Lloyd's Travel Policy for a full list of benefits and exclusions.

The Insured does not need to be covered by a USNH Health Benefit Plan in order to be eligible for this international plan.

Yes. There are territory restrictions, so eligible UNH travelers are not covered in: United States (defined as the 50 United States and the District of Columbia). There are additional exclusions, so please read the Cigna Policy and Lloyd's Evidence of Benefits to review the full list of excluded activities.

Prescription drugs are covered at 100% of the actual charge.

Yes, there is no exclusion. (A pre-existing condition is one for which you sought medical advice, were diagnosed, received care or treatment, or were recommended care or treatment.)

No. (Deductible means the dollar amount of Covered Expenses that must be incurred as an out-of-pocket expense by each Insured per Injury or Sickness before payment is made by the claims company.)

For most hospitals, International SOS can advance payment if needed to secure your admission because of sickness or accident. On occassion, there may be a hospital that will not accept advance payment from a third party. In these incidences, International SOS can refer you to a hospital that will accept advance payments. Call collect the 24-hour International SOS Alarm Center:  1-215-942-8478.

Claims Processing

International SOS should be called in all emergency situations. If International SOS fronts money for medical treatment, the claim will be automatically sent to the insurance company and International SOS will get reimbursed directly from the insurance company. The UNH traveler does not need to submit any paperwork.

Refer to the UNH Claims Process page to submit a claim. Instructions are included on the forms. Below are the various claim forms. 

  • Cigna Medical Claim Form
  • Lloyd's Lost Baggage Claim Form
  • Lloyd's Trip Interruption Claim Form
  • Lloyd's Visit by Family Member Claim Form

Once received by the company, your claim will be processed and paid according to the terms of the insurance policy.  Please note that you are responsible for the cost of any services not covered by the travel insurance plan.

If you have questions about a specific claim or a claims payment, email